Identity Iceberg

I think we all can agree that in order to get better results in our business we need to make changes. Most people would define that as making changes in your behavior or in the actions you take. However, there are elements that you need to change much deeper than simply behaviors and actions in order to make the necessary changes in your business and life.

Think of yourself as an iceberg. Like most icebergs only ten percent of it is exposed above the water line.  That ten percent above the water line represents the visible things that others can see. These are the actions we take and the behaviors we exhibit on a daily basis. The 90 percent below the water line if far more important. And like the Titanic, what’s below the water line is the stuff that can sink you.

So what’s below the water line? There are four elements that cause you to behave and act in certain ways.

1. Skills — your skills will dictate what you do and how well you do it. For example, if you are a good cook you would probably invite your friends over for dinner and cook for them. If you were not a good cook you would take them to a nice restaurant and spring for the bill. Can you change your skills? Of course you can. Read more books, go to seminars, take a class, get a mentor . . . there are many ways to change your skills.

2. Beliefs —  Beliefs are what you hold to be true. In many cases your beliefs are the basis for your skills. For example, you may think you are not very good at golf because you tried it once and found it too difficult to hit the ball. You tell yourself you are not good at the game, you believe it and consequently you stink at golf. Change your beliefs and see how differently you will approach the game. Whether that be the game of golf or the game of business.

3. Values —  These are the things that are very important to you. They may include money, relationships, acceptance and health. Your values drive your behaviors. For example, if you value your health you might work out quite often. If you value money you might work harder at work than you do in the gym.

4. Identity —  The last element of the iceberg below the water line is your core identity.  This is what you believe yourself to be….what you tell yourself you are. Sometimes your identity can limit you. If you tell yourself you will never be a great sales person  . . . guess what?  This is where positive affirmations can help. Write down the things you are or want to be and read them to yourself as often as you can. These positive affirmations will begin to form a more positive identity.

Now, surrounding this iceberg is the environment. The environment can definitely influence all of the elements of the iceberg. How can you use your environment to help you make changes? Well, if you associate yourself with highly successful and positive people do you think it will help you change your identity and improve your chances for success? I would like to think so. You might be asking yourself, “how can I get to meet these kinds of people”.  Well, you really don’t have to meet them directly.  You can read their books, listen to their CD’s and watch their videos. There is plenty of material out there.  Your environment does have an impact on you.

So in order to get better results we need to make changes. But when making changes we need to look at the entire iceberg as well as the environment that surrounds it. Looking at each one of these elements will allow you to make permanent and lasting changes in your business and in your life. 
