Investing in Today's Economy

Financial Services experts share relevant insights and ideas.



Paul Fair's picture

Social Security is a crucial piece of any retirement income planning for most retirees. On average, 40 percent of a retiree’s income is from Social Security Benefits. But there’s more to it than simply signing up. The monthly amount you receive can vary substantially based upon a number of factors such as age, marital status, and job status. Married couples have, on average, ten to twelve different options to choose from that can potentially maximize their benefits.

Do You Know Where Your Money Is? How to Tell Whether Your Investments are in the Right Place

Paul Fair's picture

When saving for retirement, investors generally are not as concerned about fluctuations in their portfolio because it is a “future” event and there is time for corrections and additional savings. Investing after retirement is a very different circumstance. Considering the volatility in the stock and bond markets over the past 15 years, the uncertainty of our economy, and political gridlock in Washington, it is no wonder that many people feel apprehensive about their money and retirement!   

At last! The Annuity that Corporate Investors Choose is Now Available to YOU!

Paul Fair's picture

It’s an age-old question: where can you invest your hard-earned money that brings both safety as well as competitive returns? Considering today’s volatility in the stock and bond markets, the uncertainty of our economy, gridlock in Washington, and the fact that interest rates from banks are near all-time lows, you may be wondering if there is still any such place. 

Fortunately, there is. 

Finding Competitive Returns and Protection of Principal: Harder Than Ever, But It Can Be Done

Paul Fair's picture

It’s an age-old question: where can you invest your hard-earned money that brings safety as well as competitive returns? Considering today’s volatility in the stock and bond markets, the uncertainty of our economy, gridlock in Washington, and the fact that interest rates from banks are near all-time lows, you may be wondering if there is still any such place.  

Fortunately, there is. 

Investing in Bonds or Bond Funds in a Rising Rate Environment

Paul Fair's picture

Fixed income securities, including individual bonds and bond funds, have historically been the primary tool used to generate income for retired investors. However, the task of generating income has become very difficult. Interest rates are at near record lows and monetary policy uncertainty evidently has resulted in increased bond market volatility. In spite of the low interest environment, investors have poured over $1 trillion into fixed income bond funds and ETFs over the last five years.

Making the Most of Roth IRA Opportunities

Dean Fox's picture

Although Roth IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) have been around for years, they initially were not available to many higher-income individuals due to restrictions imposed by Congress, which limited those of high net worth from contributing to these accounts. Under the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act, Roth IRA conversions became available for everyone starting in 2010. This change in the law created a significant planning opportunity for many high-income retirees.

Disability Income Insurance What Every Business Owner Needs to Know

Most people know they need to insure their life, their car, and their home or condo.  But they often overlook insuring their most important asset — their ability to earn an income.  Your income is the primary source of funding for a lifetime of things, from basic necessities to the hopes and dreams you have for yourself and those you love.  The $3-9 million or more you'll likely earn over the course of your business career is surely an asset worth insuring.

How to Prepare for a Retirement Plan Distribution

Dean Fox's picture

One of the most important financial decisions that many people make involves the distribution of money from one or more retirement plans. When the time comes to begin making withdrawals, many plan participants are not prepared to make the decisions that may be right for them. Often, they don’t understand the choices available, or they may not anticipate the deadlines for their decisions – so they fail to seek the professional help they need before these deadlines occur.

How to Select a Financial Professional

Once you’ve decided to get serious about financial planning or investing, one of your next steps may be to seek professional help. Perhaps relatives or friends are recommending financial professionals to you. Maybe you know some financial professionals yourself. What is the smart way to choose financial planning advice and service? Consider these 10 ideas:

A Guide on the Road to Retirement

The title of the Beatles’ song “The Long and Winding Road” could apply to the journey toward a comfortable retirement. For those who have the foresight to start preparing in their 20s, the journey could take 40 years or more. Even those who procrastinate might have 20 or 30 years to prepare.

The Government Changes Social Security

Paul Fair's picture

Retirement income is one of the most important aspects of a successful retirement        and the type of life-style one can enjoy throughout retirement.  One of the cornerstones for income during retirement is Social Security which, on average, amounts to about 40% of the total retirement income. Structuring the highest legal benefits available from Social Security can be important to promoting higher retirement income, especially for a surviving spouse.  

Time to Conduct Your Own Year-End Financial Review

Paul Fair's picture

With the holiday season upon us, I expect most people are caught up in the rush and excitement leading up to Christmas. But if you can set aside an hour or two, this is an ideal time to conduct your own year-end financial review. This is a great way to determine exactly how your year went, take stock of your current status, review your goals, and consider whether any changes are advisable. Putting your plans into place now allows you to benefit from the changes and improvements throughout the entire year of 2015.

The State of Retirement Readiness In America Today

Paul Fair's picture

When it comes to Retirement Readiness, we’re facing a crisis of epic proportion.
Many Americans have no idea how far behind the Retirement Planning 8 Ball they really are.

Whether you’re retired or very close to it, whether you’ve accumulated a couple hundred thousand dollars or several million, planning for your retirement is more challenging today than ever.

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  • Dean Fox's picture
  • Patricia Miller Picardi's picture
  • Christopher Higgins's picture


  • Paul Fair's picture
  • Bill Haley's picture