Leadership and Success

A discussion about the fundamentals of leadership and success.


Six Keys to Succeeding in Business

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

General Colin Powell


Passing by the shops, storefronts, and warehouses that once housed thriving businesses that are now closed, I always think of those that failed unnecessarily. Given the business I’m in, it always bothers me when I see yet another tragic failure, because I know that many of these can be averted by the systematic and diligent application of known principles. 

Dealing With Tough Times: How Successful Leaders Do It

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

Benjamin Franklin

Working with various business leaders in these troubled times has given me valuable insights into why some do well during economic downturns while their competitors who serve the very same markets struggle or go out of business. Of course they actually do things differently, and I’ll address that aspect in a bit. 

An Emphasis on Strategic Planning: One Sign of Effective Leadership

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”

Winston Churchill

A lot of discussions of leadership focus on the qualities that define success, and such discussions certainly have their place. We must keep in mind however, that qualities such as “vision,” “determination,” or “empathy” are not actual behaviors, but abstractions. And while abstractions are useful for theorizing, it is what leaders actually do that really matters.

Leaders Innovate While Managers Imitate: A Not-So-Subtle Difference

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anyone who has paid attention to business management over the past several decades has got to be fascinated by the sheer number of trends that have been touted as being the wave of the future. A look back however, shows that the past is littered with the remains of such trends, along with their jargon, implementation manuals, and training rituals. In the meantime, sound leadership retains its value as the most viable business resource. 

Managing Complexity, Chaos and Change: The Value of Systems Thinking

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.”

 Abraham Lincoln

“The future ain’t what it used to be.”

Yogi Berra

Thriving in business at any level is tougher now than any time in recent decades, and the challenges to individual business leaders are increasingly daunting. While it used to be argued that “change is the only constant,” even that is no longer true. Change occurs at an ever-accelerating rate, making it anything but a constant. The ability to anticipate and adapt to it has never been more essential.

Six Keys to Succeeding in Business

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

General Colin Powell


Passing by the shops, storefronts, and warehouses that once housed thriving businesses that are now closed, I always think of those that failed unnecessarily. Given the business I’m in, it always bothers me when I see yet another tragic failure, because I know that many of these can be averted by the systematic and diligent application of known principles. 

Dealing With Tough Times: How Successful Leaders Do It

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

Benjamin Franklin

Working with various business leaders in these troubled times has given me valuable insights into why some do well during economic downturns while their competitors who serve the very same markets struggle or go out of business. Of course they actually do things differently, and I’ll address that aspect in a bit. 

An Emphasis on Strategic Planning: One Sign of Effective Leadership

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”

Winston Churchill

A lot of discussions of leadership focus on the qualities that define success, and such discussions certainly have their place. We must keep in mind however, that qualities such as “vision,” “determination,” or “empathy” are not actual behaviors, but abstractions. And while abstractions are useful for theorizing, it is what leaders actually do that really matters.

Leaders Innovate While Managers Imitate: A Not-So-Subtle Difference

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anyone who has paid attention to business management over the past several decades has got to be fascinated by the sheer number of trends that have been touted as being the wave of the future. A look back however, shows that the past is littered with the remains of such trends, along with their jargon, implementation manuals, and training rituals. In the meantime, sound leadership retains its value as the most viable business resource. 

Managing Complexity, Chaos and Change: The Value of Systems Thinking

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.”

 Abraham Lincoln

“The future ain’t what it used to be.”

Yogi Berra

Thriving in business at any level is tougher now than any time in recent decades, and the challenges to individual business leaders are increasingly daunting. While it used to be argued that “change is the only constant,” even that is no longer true. Change occurs at an ever-accelerating rate, making it anything but a constant. The ability to anticipate and adapt to it has never been more essential.

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