Marketing 101

Creative Director Todd Palmer of Virtual Farm Creative, Inc. offers marketing tips and advice.


Every Business Tells a Story — Your Customers Want What You've Got

In one form or another VFC develops a newsletter for just about all of our clients.

It could be an annual collection of content developed for an annual report, a monthly printed piece or a periodic graphical email but they all understand one thing— staying in front of potential customers leads to business growth.

In fact, one consumer-focused client of ours just decided to send out shorter, weekly email newsletters to a growing list of potential customers. As they put it, “when the time comes for them to make a choice, we want to be on their minds.”

Top Secret Tip— Making Yourself Available for Marketing Success

"Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity." – Karl Marx

We were recently asked to contribute some content to a trade publication by one of our clients who are a regional leader in their industry. This client so appreciated one of VFC's standard offerings that he wanted us to expose its virtues so that others could benefit from setting up a similar resource.

A Little Secret

Tough Times Demand a Smarter Marketing Strategy — Is Your Business Using Cost Effective Email Marketing?

Everyone hates telemarketers. So much so, that, in 2003 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) created the National Do Not Call Registry. Similarly, mailboxes up and down the Route 422 corridor are bursting with mail that people don't want. Now, in the digital age, fortunes are being made by proposing the elimination of stuff we don't want in our email inbox.

What's a direct marketer to do?

The Million Dollar Idea — New and Old Promotions to Pilfer

In the early fifties a long forgotten television executive wearing a super thin tie had an epiphany that would spark a groundbreaking promotional idea. Legend has it that New York City affiliate WWOR first exploited the concept of the Million Dollar Movie to promote the television broadcasts of cinematic efforts that had a production cost of a million dollars or more which was a big budget in ‘50s and ‘60s.

Status Update: Todd is Writing About Social Network Marketing Right in Front of Their Faces

Face it, you either have a lot of friends that use Facebook or you have a lot of friends on Facebook because you're a part of the revolution. Either way, there's no denying that Facebook has successfully swept through every part of the nation, collecting users from every social, ideological, economic, religious and political stripe.

If You Build It, Will They Come? Optimize Your Mousetrap to Catch More Mice

A client once asked my opinion of advertising in the commercial phone book. You know the pages by their color and their once ubiquitous and meaningful tag line... but, these days, people whose fingers used to do the walking are choosing to let their mice do the searching.

I asked him back, “Where do you go to find a [insert business category here]?”

Not-For-Profit Marketing — Think Big With Micro Philanthropy

Odds are that a decent percentage of the readers of this column are directly involved in the direction of a not-for-profit organization. I know this because a decent percentage of our clients are non-profits and an even higher percentage are involved as board members or volunteers to non-profits while excelling in their commercial pursuits at the same time.

Targets Getting Tougher to Touch? Blast Away With Effective Emails

In and around the Route 422 Corridor, higher fuel prices are affecting everything from production to postage, making direct mail less desirable every day. What's a company gotta do to reach the consumer?

Well, you could advertise in well-read, well-distributed and extremely affordable vehicles like the Route 422 Business Advisor. At the same time, you could also devote more of your Route 422 company's resources to embracing the future of targeted touching.

Greenwashing — Be Honest in Your Ecomarketing

Wired Magazine features, each month, a fun little feature called “Jargon Watch.” In that interesting editorial the enterprising writers of the leading-edge technology journal scour the ever-changing global lexicon for new terms that are being invented to define and describe our lives. The new terms – actual words, actually being used – are most often pulled from the high-tech scene or the continually shrinking global culture. More and more though, new terms and phrases are popping up to clarify our relationship with the reality of climate change.

Hold Up Your Own Marketing Umbrella

In our ongoing mission to help businesses in and around the Route 422 corridor execute more effective marketing that will generate leads that develop into sales, we’re hopeful that some of our advice is being implemented directly by the person who will benefit most — you.

Marketing to DIY'ers? Better Do It Right

Since the terrorist attacks of 2001, spending on home improvement has trended progressively upward as homeowners attempt to increase the comfort and value of their real estate rather than traveling.

Whether the decrease in distance vacationing, to fear of terror, or the increased difficulty traveling now presents, the truth is that the focus on the home as been a boom to the Do-It-Yourself industry.

Are They Talking About You? Positive Chatter Matters Along Route 422

Birchrun Hills Farm, a small dairy concern in— you guessed it— Birchrunville, started making artisan cheeses of Alpine and Blue with no logo, label or detailed marketing plan. Cinemaplex Technologies in Spring City began enhancing the lives of affluent homeowners with completely automated theaters, lighting and security systems but without brand standards or a defined new business strategy.

On Your Mark — Get Set to Go Legal With Your Brand

Many locally and regionally owned and operated businesses along the Route 422 corridor—businesses just like yours—have survived for years with a vulnerability that could adversely effect their path of success at any time. This silent predator pops up when you least expect it, costing you thousands of dollars and a lot of lost branding momentum.

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