Business, Health & Fitness

Advice and insight on health and fitness in the workplace.


You Are What You Think About

In 1956, famed radio personality and motivational speaker Earl Nightingale wrote, "The Strangest Secret is that we become what we think about." The genius behind that statement is that back in 1956, he did not have the knowledge we have now about the inner workings of the brain and yet his observation is in fact pretty accurate.

Health and Fitness: A Company's BEST Investment

Mention investing and most people think you were going to talk to them about money. When it comes to investing in our health however, very few get excited about the prospect and the return on investment (ROI) seldom makes the headlines in The Wall Street Journal. As is apparent by the state of our national health, very few are making the investment. So why should your company, or any company for that matter, invest in a health and wellness program for its employees? Following are three big reasons why your company simply can’t afford not to.

Getting Smart About Getting Healthy

We've all heard the expression, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Due to the competitiveness of businesses, we as consumers have choices and because of those choices, it is reasonable to assume that the choices we make are based on what we feel is best for us. Companies invest thousands of dollars into their marketing and advertising campaigns with the sole purpose that we the consumers finds their particular products or services to not only be the best, but perhaps even too good to be true. It's competition at its best and we wouldn't want it any other way? Or would we?

Building Success Through Motivation

One of my favorite sayings is a Chinese proverb that says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” As a fitness professional, I am always working with those who are highly motivated or who are seeking to be motivated. But what exactly does it mean to be motivated and is there a difference between those that are and those that are not? The answer is really quite simple: those that are successful have taken that critical first step.

You Are What You Think About

In 1956, famed radio personality and motivational speaker Earl Nightingale wrote, "The Strangest Secret is that we become what we think about." The genius behind that statement is that back in 1956, he did not have the knowledge we have now about the inner workings of the brain and yet his observation is in fact pretty accurate.

Health and Fitness: A Company's BEST Investment

Mention investing and most people think you were going to talk to them about money. When it comes to investing in our health however, very few get excited about the prospect and the return on investment (ROI) seldom makes the headlines in The Wall Street Journal. As is apparent by the state of our national health, very few are making the investment. So why should your company, or any company for that matter, invest in a health and wellness program for its employees? Following are three big reasons why your company simply can’t afford not to.

Getting Smart About Getting Healthy

We've all heard the expression, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Due to the competitiveness of businesses, we as consumers have choices and because of those choices, it is reasonable to assume that the choices we make are based on what we feel is best for us. Companies invest thousands of dollars into their marketing and advertising campaigns with the sole purpose that we the consumers finds their particular products or services to not only be the best, but perhaps even too good to be true. It's competition at its best and we wouldn't want it any other way? Or would we?

Building Success Through Motivation

One of my favorite sayings is a Chinese proverb that says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” As a fitness professional, I am always working with those who are highly motivated or who are seeking to be motivated. But what exactly does it mean to be motivated and is there a difference between those that are and those that are not? The answer is really quite simple: those that are successful have taken that critical first step.

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