Business, Health & Fitness

Advice and insight on health and fitness in the workplace.

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Of Course You Realize . . . This Means War

Those were the famous words of a certain long eared, bushy tailed Warner Bros cartoon character aimed at one Elmer Fudd numerous times. In cartoons, a lot of humor can be found in that phrase. But when it comes to battling the obesity epidemic, particularly in today’s workforce and the ever rising associated health care costs, war has been declared and it is no laughing matter.

There Is No Limit to What You Can Do

Ask yourself this question: If I had a million dollars, what would I do? Would you think about how you would spend the money? Would you quit your job? Would you follow your dreams and do the things you always wanted to do but were afraid to take the chance? Bottom line is, you could do a lot with a million dollars. But then ask yourself this question. Why do I ponder about what could be instead of doing what I dream to do? Have you ever thought about what you could do if you really wanted to?

Investing in Yourself

There are few things in life that are a guarantee. Everything else is a result of the choices and decisions we make as we walk through that life. You could say then that the life we choose is largely dependent on what we do as individuals and that the best way to maximize that experience is to constantly invest in ourselves. So when was the last time you invested in yourself? I am not talking about retirement planning or preparing to go on vacation. While both of those things certainly have a level of value to them, they are still dependent on one thing to be able to enjoy them — you.

Greatness is Possible!

In his New York Times Best Selling book, Good to Great, author Jim Collins states, “Greatness is a matter of choice; a discipline.” How each of us defines greatness is as unique as the individual.  But regardless of how you define it, greatness does not happen by chance or by luck. It is a culmination of thoughts, choices, and actions that are in alignment with that idea of greatness.  It is neither unattainable nor impossible. Rather, it is a mindset.

Consider Your Body as a Business

Ever think about what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? For the thrill seeker, that may mean taking that big step over the edge for the ultimate rush. For the entrepreneurial minded, that may entail taking the risk of starting up and running their own business. But is there really a difference between the two? Wouldn't it be correct to say that to be an entrepreneur one has also got to be a risk taker or perhaps even a thrill seeker?

Take Time to Slow Down

Imagine driving your car at the average pace on the 422 By-pass and then suddenly hitting the brakes. What would happen? If your car is equipped with the latest in safety features, it may quickly come to a stop but not without some tremendous shift in forces affecting the car, the road, and more importantly, you. Now imagine for a moment that that zooming car is you as you go through the speed of the day and then all of the sudden stopping as if hitting the brakes. You'd have one heck of a case of whiplash wouldn't you?

Dare to Dream

At a very young age, we were introduced to the song, “When you wish upon a star” and believed everything we dreamed of and desired could be found by looking towards the stars. Just as we are individuals, our dreams are truly unique based on our needs and wishes. Everyone wants to live or achieve their dreams yet only few are successful at making them a reality. Is it perhaps that our dreams are too lofty, unattainable? Or is just that we daydream too much and wish what could be rather than daring to take action of what can be?

Creating a More Healthful Workstation

Sit up straight. Stand tall. Don’t slouch. Mom always had a way of telling us how to “defy gravity.” As is with most things Mom taught us, it’s not until we’re older that we better understand those subtle commands, let alone appreciate them. If you work in an office setting, I’ll bet if you turn around right now you will find a few dozen offenders of mom’s regulations. Perhaps you won’t even have to go that far and just take a look at yourself.

Vending Machine Jargon

Convenient. Cheap. Fulfilling. These three words can ring harmony in most ears, especially when referring to food. We like to eat quickly and hassle free; we'd rather not spend too much; and we expect to be satisfied with our meal. Think for a moment of how it was hundreds of years ago and eating a meal wasn't as convenient (you most likely had to hunt for it or grow it), it certainly wasn't cheap (it could cost you your life), and the act of eating at all was fulfilling enough.

Politically Correct Fitness?

As long as man has been alive, there has been physical fitness. Centuries ago, physical fitness was a way of life. It was how we lived and more importantly, it was how we survived. Fast forward to today, and physical fitness hasn’t changed. At least it shouldn’t have changed.  It is and should still be a way of life and unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, it is definitely something that will help you survive.

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