Business & Marketing Strategies

Tips and techniques for achieving success in business.


Investing In "YOU"

When people talk about investing, they immediately think of investing money somewhere. Maybe in real estate, in the stock market or possibly bonds or maybe something relatively safe like CDs. They may strategize and make sure their portfolio is “diversified.” However, when I talk about investing I like to think about how you can invest in yourself. After all YOU are one of the greatest assets you can invest in.

Why Do People Fail?

If you have read enough articles and books or listened to the many self-help experts out there you will find consistent factors as to why people fail. We could be talking about many different kinds of failures. Certainly business failures but also failures in many other endeavors such as weight lose, improved health, relationships and so on. The two common denominators that I have observed with any failure seems to be the lack of planning and the lack of taking correct actions to achieve that plan. 

What Do These Objections Mean?

When selling your services or products I’m sure most of you get objections much like I do. “I would like to think about this,” or “I don’t have time to do any of this,” or “I’m not ready yet,” or “That seems expensive,” or “Call me back in a couple of months.” What does all this mean? Most likely they are afraid of making a bad decision. If they spend the money and it’s the wrong product or service they will look foolish. And no one wants to look foolish. How do you overcome these fears?

Changing Habits

We all have them. Some of them good, some of them bad. Habits are those things we do without too much thought. We kind of go through our day and they just happen. 

Help! My Sales Have Fallen and I Can't Pick Them Up!

We’ve all experienced it. Sales have been down and for some reason you can’t get out of the hole. Cash is tight. You start to get nervous. You start to blame everything around you. The economy is in the tank, your prospects won’t return your calls, your proposal didn’t get mailed on time, your car broke down going to an appointment . . . on and on and on. Ok, many of these things could be a cause for a slip in sales. But then these are all things out of your control.  So what can you control? The answer to that is . . . yourself and the actions you take!

Your Attitude, Your Choice

I have recommended to many of my clients the book titled “FISH”. It’s a book about how to improve moral in any organization and thereby improve results. There are actually four principles in the book but, I think, the most important one of them is called “Choose Your Attitude.” The philosophy goes something like this. When you go to work, or run your business, or do just about anything in life the attitude you bring to that event is your choice. And depending on the type of attitude you bring will primarily determine the type of experience you will have.

The Cash Gap

In a previous post, I talked about planning and managing the financial aspects of your business.  Included in that was the importance of managing cash flow. I’d like expand on that principle and specifically talk about the concept called “The Cash Gap.” What is the cash gap? Well, it’s simply the number of days between when you have to pay for things in your business and when your customers end up paying you. For example, you might have to buy materials to produce a product or buy inventory to stock your shelves.

Plan and Count Your Beans

As a former Director of Corporate Financial Planning for a large corporation and with a degree in accounting I have heard my share of bean counter jokes. Like this one: “what does an accountant use for birth control . . . his personality.” Jokes aside, for the past six years, as a business coach, I have found that my financial background has helped me teach business owners how to run their business more effectively.

Goals and Resolutions — How To Get Them Done!

It’s an annual ritual . . . setting resolutions and looking at the goals we want to achieve in the New Year. How did it go last year? Did the goals and resolutions you made start to fade after just a few months? Did you start out gang busters only to look back at the end of the year not even getting close to the goals you set for yourself and your business? If so, either you did not commit fully or face it; you don't have the resolve to make the changes on your own.

If It Ain't Broke, Should I Still Fix It?

When was the last time you really took a close look at how you are doing things and asked yourself “how can I do this faster, cheaper, simpler and easier while maintaining quality and customer satisfaction?” In the “old days” this might be something you look at once every couple of years. However, in today’s highly competitive and rapidly changing environment I would suggest you need to ask yourself this on a daily basis. Otherwise you might find yourself left in the proverbial dust.

You Need More Time? Impossible!

We all have the same amount of time to use in a day and yet I always hear from people I talk to that “I don’t have enough time!” or “I wish I had more time!” We all have 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in every hour and 60 seconds in every minute. We all have 86,400 seconds per day to invest in making our lives and businesses more meaningful and productive.

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