"Green" Business: The Shade of Things to Come

Being environmentally conscious is not just good for the earth; it’s good for your business as well. Studies show that consumers are increasingly attracted to businesses that promote their proactive efforts to protect the environment. Many high-profile companies are limiting the product and service contracts to vendors with good “green” track records. Plus, many practices and products that help reduce pollution and conserve natural resources can also help reduce business costs over the long term. 

Don’t let your small business be left behind. There is a wide range of business-minded information available on the practical, profit-producing aspects of making a business more environmentally friendly. Access to environmentally preferable products and services is also widening— especially for small business. Options include buying office supplies made of recycled or low-impact materials, properly disposing of old electronic gear, and installing energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs in your facilities.

A great resource for small business is, GreenBiz.com, a service of the Washington, DC-based Green Business Network. GreenBiz offers a full range of hands-on help for small businesses that want to get greener, from how to finance greater manufacturing efficiency to alternative cleaning solvents and processes. The organization’s Web site is packed with helpful information and is geared toward helping businesses take an environmental stance that also helps the bottom line.

The GreenBiz site provides descriptions and links to nearly 100 helpful organizations and Web sites — many of them by state. There are also hundreds of books and reports geared to specific industries. Take time to explore the site for a wealth of news, tools and tips on going green. Select “Small Business” in the “Resource Wizard” pull down menu for topics geared specifically to small business. 

Another useful resource is the Small Business Environmental Home Page, www.smallbiz-enviroweb.org, which helps business owners tap into pollution-prevention assistance programs of all types nationwide.  It also offers a list of links to State Environmental Agencies and small business programs. 

Purchasing environmentally friendly office products has also become easier thanks to the growing awareness of major office products suppliers. Whether you shop in their stores or online, you’ll find a wide range of recycled paper products, energy-saving devices and equipment, and even attractive furniture crafted from sustainable resources.
