Leadership and Success

A discussion about the fundamentals of leadership and success.


Making 2013 a Renaissance Year for You and Your Business

“The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty.”

Proverbs 21:5

2012 was a year defined by uncertainty regarding issues over which business leaders had little or no control. Many coped by adopting conservative strategies and taking a “wait and see” attitude. 2013 is all about resurgence and growth, and the most successful entrepreneurs make the revitalization of themselves the foundation for future prosperity.

2012 in the rear view mirror

Pottstown: Ripe for Redevelopment, But Needs a Unified Effort

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller

Once a hotbed of manufacturing, Pottstown’s more recent history has been characterized by a sluggish economy and high unemployment. But its eventual revival is a certainty, as it has far too many assets to remain in the doldrums for long. Taking advantage of all that Pottstown has going for it, however, will require some fresh thinking, a spirit of unity, and a concerted effort. 

The Mysterious Stock Market: As Psychological as it is Financial

“The dumbest reason in the world to buy a stock is because it’s going up.”

Warren Buffett

Action, intrigue, uncertainty, elation, and exasperation. I’m not talking about the latest box office thriller; I’m referring to the stock market. Despite its perplexing ups and downs, it affects us all, no matter what business we’re in. For that reason, improving our understanding of what drives it is essential. And what drives “the market” is that which drives all business— human psychology.

Making Every "Business Minute" Count: Maximizing the Dollar Value of your Time

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

William Penn

Two things that business owners have in common are that (1) we survive by translating our time into dollars and cents; (2) the clock is more often an enemy than a friend. There are ways, however, to rethink how we look at both our priorities and our time that can help. The rewards for those who are willing to do so include better efficiency, less stress, and last but not least, improvements on the bottom line.

Personal Growth as Leadership Development

“Imitate Jesus and Socrates.”

Benjamin Franklin, on humility.

It is universally agreed that leadership is the single most influential determinant of the success of any organization. On the other hand, it is also agreed that our business, government, and educational institutions continue to perform in ways that are less than satisfactory. Taken together, these two facts raise serious questions about why the leadership needs of our society are not being met. 

Success Versus Excellence: Beware the Former, Pursue the Later, and You'll Achieve Both

As a long-term student of effective leadership, I’ve noticed a pattern that appears frequently but doesn’t get that much discussion. The pattern that I find curious is that spectacular successes are so often followed by dramatic declines or even miserable failures. I’ll get into some specific examples shortly, but first I feel that it’s important to note that there is often a cyclical nature to success and failure that shows up at both the individual and the organizational levels.

A Catalyst for Change: The Pottstown Mosaic Community Land Trust

“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”

Martin, Luther King, Jr.

It’s always a pleasure to encounter examples of sound business thinking, especially in endeavors that are noble and community minded. Pottstown’s Mosaic Community Land Trust, which has dedicated itself to improving the quality of life in a challenged area, exemplifies both of the above qualities. By combining good business sense with genuine concerns for people, the “Mosaic” is emerging as a local force for good. 

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