Quick Technology Tips

Rick Megni, President of CMIT Solutions of Northern Chester County, shares technology tips for business professionals.

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Increasing Office Efficiency and Productivity

As Paul Simon once sang, there are “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” But counting the number of ways to make your small business operate more efficiently takes much longer than an average three-minute folk hit. Therein lies the problem, though — with an infinite number of tips, tricks, and apps purporting to make office life easier, how does a small-business owner decide what will work best for him or her?

Is Your Business Prepared for a Disaster?

The recent string of tornados that ripped through Oklahoma should remind business owners of the repercussions that can occur with catastrophic data loss. According to The Underwriting Guide for Insurers, only six percent of medium-size companies that suffer catastrophic data loss ever fully recover. More than 43 percent never reopen, and 51 percent close within two years of the disaster. 

“Bring Your Own Device” — Is it a Threat or a Bonus to Your Business?

Have you ever thought about what business data is on your employee’s personal equipment that they use for work? Have you considered the consequences of that data falling into unauthorized hands?

Did you know that mobile devices have come to the attention of cyber criminals as the perfect piece of property to exploit for their own gain? Often a mobile device has all your business contacts, emails and other intellectual property, which in the wrong hands could spell doom for you and your team.

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