Ways to Create Great Content for your Posts and Tweets

So often when I'm training business owners about social media I ask, “What is it that keeps you from getting involved with social media?” They answer, I don't know what to write or share.

First, we will discuss what types of posts are working well on social media channels. No longer is Twitter just 140 characters of text. You can add photos and videos, too. For Facebook, you can use live videos, videos, photos, and text. If LinkedIn is where you are, it's videos, photos, long posts, and short posts. As far as what works best, it's videos, next is photos, and last is text.

Let's talk about curating content. Sharing content from other sources without copyright issues requires reaching out to the author for permission as well as sourcing them when using it. I know I would have no problem if someone was to use this column as long as they source and link back to our website. It's about respect to the author and sourcing them that is most important.


One of my earlier columns had instructions on how to create your own videos using your smartphone. But, what about finding videos that others have created? The key is to know the keywords and keyword phrases visitors use to find your site. Next, do a search of those keywords and choose to sort only the videos from the keywords. Research the results to see whether there is a source with more than one video which aligns with your beliefs. Reach out to them to use the videos on your social media sites and source them.


Photos are a bit more sensitive. By attaching a single pixel of information to an online photo, the owner of the photo is able to monitor its use throughout the internet making it easy to catch culprits using the photos without paying for its use. There are plenty of free photo sites as well as take your own photos to be able to use with your posts and tweets. Additional ways to create interactive photos is to create what I call “wordy photos.” With apps like Word Swag and Over, you can add simple messages to the photos as well as your logo, name and contact information. Imagine this photo collection on Pinterest, Snapchat, and even Instagram. What a great way to promote your business through social media channels which focus on photo marketing.

Text Content

Here's where you have more flexibility. Your website is an excellent resource for text to create posts. But, what if you have a brain cramp and have run out of ideas? One tool I love to use is Google Alert. By creating an alert for “social media marketing” I am able to collect all sorts of excellent information to share. Here's where it's important to contact the owner of information you would like to curate and to source them in your posts with links to their blogs, Facebook page, or wherever the information originated. I also like to listen to podcasts and do the same with those as well. One of the challenges with podcasts is that they are mp3s and, to use content, it's a matter of typing the content as you listen. Some of them do create summaries of their podcasts, which are very helpful. YouTube, on the other hand, creates a transcript of their videos making it easy to collect the content to use.

Once you have collected content, it's then a matter of creating posts and tweets that your followers and fans will want to engage. What's important when creating content is to create messages that your followers are interested in seeing. Look at your analytics to see if there is more interaction with videos, photos or content. See if they like motivational, informational, tips, products, sales and promotions. Make sure your message is being delivered when the majority of them are online. It's not about what you want to promote but instead about what they want to know about you and engage.

Now that you have the tools, tips, and information to create effective content, don't hesitate to engage with your fans.

The team of Interlace Communications helps small to mid-size businesses market their businesses both online and in print with websites focused on marketing their products and services to drive traffic to the site through social media channels and print marketing. 
