Route 422 Business Advisor

From the Editor's desk at Route 422 Business Advisor — Relevant news and information of interest to business owners and operators along the Route 422, Route 100 and Route 30 corridors in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Please visit



ESTATE PLANNING Part Two - Last Will versus Living Trust

The correct strategy for you last will or living trust depends on your individual

circumstances and objectives. A last will determines how your assets pass to your heirs or others

at your death; whereas, a living trust is created in your lifetime and affects your property during

your lifetime and upon your death. If you establish a living trust, then it is advised that you have

a “pour-over will” for any assets that may not be in trust at the time of death.

A last will generally costs less and is very easily established, but cost should not be a

Wading onto the Board of a Nonprofit Corporation

If you are a business owner, or one of the otherwise active members of the community, I believe there is a ninety-percent probability you will end up on the board of a nonprofit corporation. This is good. It is good for you and great for your community.  Some will serve small entities of little geographic reach, while others will help govern and direct organizations serving the reach of the Commonwealth and beyond.

Bigger Isn’t Better

We’ve all heard the biblical story of David, whose well-aimed stone brought down the giant Goliath. When negotiating telecom services, small companies armed with powerful negotiating techniques can do as well or better than their larger counterparts. Here are four tips to help:

1. Know what you have and what you need.

Why is Estate Planning an Essential Component of Financial Management?

Estate planning is an important part of your overall financial management strategy

because with a plan in place you will avoid unintended consequences. Certain plan documents

will assist you in your lifetime, whereas other documents will assist upon death. If you become

incapacitated, then you will have a trusted, competent person or persons that you have named to

handle your financial and health affairs. If you pass away, then your assets will be distributed per

What Is A Funeral Trust?

Greg Koch's picture

Like other major life events, pre-funding your funeral will give you peace of mind, comfort and assurance knowing that money will be there to pay your final expenses. Now, wouldn’t it be nice to have an insurance policy that is designed to do exactly that? Pay for your funeral costs, while also having the money protected from Medicaid or creditors so it will be available for its intended purpose?

How will my SURVIVORS pay for my funeral?

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

A recent report published by Identity Theft Resource Center stated that since May 1, 2018, there have 383 data breaches across various industries including the military, financial, healthcare and others so far this year. Imagine if that is your customers’ data that was compromised

7 Things Your IRA Custodian Won’t Tell You

Greg Koch's picture

What hasn’t your IRA Custodian told you?

It is important to know what your IRA custodian will tell you and what they will not or cannot tell you. The I in IRA stands for individual and many times it is up to the individual to know things or keep track of them.

Marketing Lessons from Driveway Spammers

Every spring they appear like leaves in the fall. Unwanted, they sit at the end of the driveway in the muddy-muck left from winter. Landscapers, contractors, handymen, and asphalt companies have all latched on to a marketing technique that bears some discussion.

Here’s how it works: Print up a cheap flyer on yellow or green paper, grab some gravel or a single rock, stuff both into a plastic bag, and tie it closed. Then head for my neighborhood and litter every driveway in sight.

Tax Planning 2018: How will your tax situation be different in 2018? What is the effect of the new tax law changes on your situation?

This is the perfect time of year to do tax planning, and planning ahead provides the

greatest opportunities and benefits to you. Even before considering the new tax law changes;

determine if there will be any change to your income and deductions this year versus last year.

For example, in Tax Year 2017, did you have a large capital gain or loss, sell a rental

property for a one-time gain, get a one-time taxable distribution, or did you make a deductible

retirement plan contribution? Are you scheduled to make estimated tax payments based on last

PayPerClick–Instant Results = Big money SEO-Delayed Results = Lasts Forever

In an article written earlier for these pages, we covered how the criminal behavior at a respected news magazine read by at least three generations and, likely some millennials, when International Business Times (IBT), publishers of Newsweek, were exposed by SocialPuncher  and BuzzFeed showing how IBT, in order to secure a government advertising contract for nearly $3 million, purchased fraudulent traffic directed to their websites in order to embellish their presentation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and secure the contract.

New Investment Drives Economic Development in Pottstown

Public and private investment is flowing into Pottstown. How much? During 2014 and 2015, approximately $3.5 million in Federal, State, and County grants were awarded to community and economic development projects throughout the Borough. Over the last 12 months alone, over $4.3 million in private capital has been invested to acquire commercial buildings in just two blocks of the downtown. Additional private dollars are being put to work funding projects in other areas of town.

“Careers in 2 Years” Part 2 — Cultivating a Skilled Workforce to Meet a Growing Demand in Berks County

Manufacturing has always been a vital part of Berks County’s economy. “We have almost twice as many people involved with manufacturing as the counties that are contiguous to us, in great part because of the legacy of manufacturing in Berks County,” says Jon Scott, president of Greater Reading Economic Partnership (GREP). “We are known for having people with that skill set.”

GVF Research Project to Help Reduce Congestion Along Route 422 Corridor

In collaboration with Temple University’s Center for Sustainable Communities and CFA Consultants, GVF was successful in securing a $200,000 PennDOT research grant to conduct a US 422 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) study. The research project utilized GVF’s transportation expertise to help reduce congestion and improve air quality along the US 422 Corridor through more effective TDM implementation.

Sunnybrook Village Business Campus The Area’s Premier Office Address

Today’s business owners are looking for more than just office space.  They want to rent in a place where amenities and services are just a short walk away.  A place where their employees enjoy working and their customers enjoy visiting.  In short, they want a community like Sunnybrook Village Business Campus.


Progress on the “Ride to Prosperity”

Beginning in 2009, eight leading Berks County organizations — The Berks County Industrial Development Authority, the Berks County Planning Commission, the Berks County Workforce Investment Board, the City of Reading, the Greater Berks Development Fund, the Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Greater Reading Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Greater Reading Economic Partnership — began collaborating to develop a new economic development plan for Greater Reading and Berks County.

Revitalization of Pottstown— Gaining Momentum in 2014

“I’m positive that five years from now, Pottstown will be a better place than it is today. Not that it’s a bad place today. There are small things that we can all do. Support our local non-profits. Use local vendors. Patronize local merchants and service providers. Keep rolling that dollar over and over again.”

Andrew J. Monastra, December 2012

Ride to Prosperity 2.0 Part 1 — Progress Report

Beginning in 2009, eight leading local organizations — The Berks County Industrial Development Authority, the Berks County Planning Commission, the Berks County Workforce Investment Board, the City of Reading, the Greater Berks Development Fund, the Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Greater Reading Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Greater Reading Economic Partnership — began collaborating to develop a new economic development plan

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